Hello! We are Forestwalk. A system of 600+ and counting. We are mainly non-humans and identify as alterhuman.Due to our cat avatars, we are associated with cats. There's gonna be a bunch of cats everywhere, be warned.We are also Posic, Xenonatured, and more. We are 21 bodily.We are often lurking on Discord and YouTube.Our Pronouns.cc page has info on us as individuals.Please read the following before interacting with us.
Intro to Endogenic Systems, and basic info
About Endogenic Systems 2
(above carrd slightly vandalized, but still works for the most part)
Research on Endogenic Systems
Debunking Sysmeds
Carrd for Anti-Endos
Endogenic Systems

Plural Wiki
Plural Research
About Endogenic Systems
Endogenic Research
Pronoun Testing
New Headmate Help
Bi Lesbians
Fiction Affects Reality
For A World Without PoliceVideos:
HELPING the mentally ill (until, they’re actually mentally ill.)
Accessing Your Headspace
Building Your Headspace

Active Links:
ToyhouseWe don't link everything we use anymore. Just the ones where we're actively known as Forestwalk and are active in.

Since every time we enter a non-plural space, we're asked a bunch of questions, we made this page to simplify all of it.Q: What is Plurality?
A: Simply put, it's a being/person with multiple beings/people in one body/brain. It's not "multiple personalities" (harmful and outdated term) and for some plurals (including us), not DID or OSDD. If you'd like to know more, MoreThanOne.info is your friend!Q: Isn't it DID?
A: No. We do not have DID, OSDD, or any dissociative disorder that would cause plurality.Q: You can't have plurality without DID, right?
A: Yes, you can be plural without DID.Q: You're faking DID! You MUST have DID!
A: We're not claiming anything other than being plural. We do not have DID, we are not formed from trauma, we're simply a person with multiple people inside their head. If you don't think that's possible, use common sense and realize that the idea shouldn't be copyrighted to those with DID or trauma. If you still believe that we're faking after reading this, kindly do not interact with us. If you want resources, check our Resources page.Q: What is endogenic plurality?
A: A system/plural not formed from trauma. It's an umbrella term for many origin terms but the baseline term is "not formed from trauma".Q: Does being endogenic mean you don't have trauma?
A: No. We are actually pretty traumatized but it didn't cause the system.Q: You're faking being traumagenic! You MUST be traumagenic!
A: We're not claiming anything other than being plural. We do not have DID, we are not formed from trauma, we're simply a person with multiple people inside their head. If you don't think that's possible, use common sense and realize that the idea shouldn't be copyrighted to those with DID or trauma. If you still believe that we're faking after reading this, kindly do not interact with us. If you want resources, check our Resources page.Q: How did you form?
A: Years of constant pretend play, writing, daydreaming, and roleplaying. We did stuff with characters so much, made them feel as real as humanly possible, until we ended up making them real. Now there's 800+ of is as of writing the FAQ. Basically "wait so talking to your characters like they're real people ISN'T normal for a writer????" happened to us.