Forestwalk Flag

Hello! We are Forestwalk. A system of 600+ and counting. We are mainly non-humans and identify as alterhuman.Due to our cat avatars, we are associated with cats. There's gonna be a bunch of cats everywhere, be warned.We are also Posic, Xenonatured, and more. We are 20 bodily.We are often lurking on Discord and YouTube.Our page has info on us as individuals.Please read the following before interacting with us.
About Endogenic Systems
Research on Endogenic Systems
Debunking Sysmeds
Carrd for Anti-Endos

Before you Follow/Interact:
🌲 Call out either Kin, Inferno, or Onion if we aren't feeling good or are having a meltdown. We would appreciate it.
💜 Don't be blunt with us. Please be gentle. Bluntness will process as anger or annoyance with us. We cannot help this due to how we're raised.
🌲 Most tonetags will not process as their tone to us. Same goes for just explaining what the tone is.